10 Common Coding Myths You Should Ignore


updated Aug 24, 2021


So you want to learn coding or web development from scratch?

It’s difficult to take the first step and just start, right?

Most probably, you’ve heard a bunch of coding myths that make you feel insecure. So you ask yourself:

“Is coding right for me? Am I too old to start learning tech skills?”

Well here’s the truth:

Learning how to code isn’t as difficult as you may think.

Yes, you need to put some effort into it. But you can make learning coding easier for yourself with a few simple tips to save time.

If you let misconceptions and coding myths keep you from pursuing your dreams, you’re missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

In this post, I will walk you through a few coding myths that might make you doubt if programming is for you.

To make things super easy for you, I will also show you 10 quick tips to overcome your doubts and take the first step right away.

Keep reading!

Here are a couple of related articles you may find interesting, too:

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10 misleading coding myths and misconceptions

The world of tech and coding is filled with rumors and misconceptions.

You might be pondering over questions like:

  • Do I need to be good at math?
  • Am I too old for learning coding?
  • Will I only be successful once I create the next Facebook or Twitter?

The bottom line is that anyone and everyone can learn how to code, regardless of their skills or who they are.

You don’t need to have great ideas or a master plan to create the next big tech startup.

Just have fun with it, stay motivated, and maintain your confidence in yourself and in what you do.

The best part?

Learning programming has never been easier than today.

You can learn coding at your own pace and with a very small budget using online resources. Yep, you could start a new career with skills you’ve taught yourself in a matter of months.

Recommended: How to Make Money Coding? 4 Great Ways to Earn Money as a Developer

Oh and did I mention that skilled developers are one of the most sought-after employees in the world, too?

So, stop worrying about not being good enough or not succeeding right away. You’ll learn everything you need to know, step by step.

The investment you’ll make in an online course now will pay itself back the moment you get your first small coding gig, trust me.

Let’s jump right into those coding myths to help you get started!

1: I need to be good at math to learn coding

This misconception is something I hear a lot, so let’s tackle it first.

When it comes to math skills for learning coding and web development, you will need some basic calculus and algebra skills, yes.

You need to understand the fundamentals of how computers work, for example. Check out these great Computer Science courses to get started!

However, you will not be working with any advanced-level math concepts in the future if you are interested in building websites or web applications.

What really matters in programming and web development is how well you can solve problems.

You need to know how to tackle problems in structured, creative way to solve them efficiently. Thus, you will need skills in logical thinking and plenty of patience and perseverance to keep you going.

And if you are not that good in solving problems yet, don’t worry. You will learn how to approach even the most complex of problems very quickly when you start learning coding.

Myth #1 busted!

Related: The Best Way to Learn Coding and Web Development: Beginner’s Guide

Most common coding myths and misconceptions - How to learn to code the right way

2: I’m too old to start learning coding

It does not matter whether you are 20, 40, or 60. Anyone and everyone can learn how to code.

When it comes to learning coding, age doesn’t matter. What is more important is how much work you’re willing to put into it.

Instead of seeing it as a negative, turn your age, expertise, and wisdom into an advantage!

Having 10 or 20 years of experience in a specific industry is something money just can’t buy. That experience is your #1 asset that you can amp up with some new programming and web skills.

And don’t forget your network of contacts you have created over the years!

Of course, age brings about some challenges when it comes to learning new things.

However, if you really enjoy learning programming, that’s all that matters. Having passion and confidence is much more powerful than simply having been born yesterday.

Just have fun with it! It’s never too late to start learning how to code!

Read also: 4 Simple Steps to Get You Started With Learning Programming

3: Coding is for nerds

Wrong! Coding is for everyone!

You don’t have to worry about being overrun by nerds and LARPing foam sword fighters when you start learning coding and web development.

The global community around coding is incredibly welcoming and supportive. You’ll find plenty of like-minded people to connect with.

Also, it’s easy to meet people outside of your social comfort zone when you’re learning how to code. You’ll find common ground in topics around programming and tech sooner than you think.

So, make sure you forget about the common techie stereotypes – now.

Stop making excuses and start using your time for more productive things right away. Start by checking out some of my coding course recommendations for beginners.

4: I need to be really smart to learn programming

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

What matters the most is your drive, motivation, and hard work!

Anyone can learn how to code. Anyone.

You just need to be consistent, that’s all.

You need a robust plan for getting where you want to be. Then, just follow your plan, achieve your milestones one by one and do the necessary work step by step.

And remember: the more you practice, the easier things will become.

So, just start with it and see what happens. You can advance at your own pace, focus on what you find interesting, and just have fun with it. I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

5: I need a college degree to start a tech career

This assumption could not be further from the truth. And I would know – I’m a living proof of it myself.

You might think most developers have a college degree.

But you know what? The only thing employers want to see is what you can create and build.

You see, if you want to learn programming or web development, you won’t get far with learning just the theory at a lecture. What you need is practice. A lot of it.

First, know what you want to build or create with coding. After that, start learning the tools you need to achieve that goal.

The best way to learn how to code is to work on practical, real-world projects and write programs and code from scratch.

In short, a college degree is nice to have but it doesn’t mean you can build and manage coding projects of your own.

And the truth is:

I haven’t met a single employer who preferred a job applicant with a degree over someone who has an amazing portfolio that spoke for itself.

6: I only need to learn one programming language (The best one)

Learning one programming language is a good start. After all, you need to learn one tool at a time.

However, in most cases it’s not enough to start a career in tech.

Recommended: What Programming Language Should I Learn? Beginner’s Guide

Any programming language is simply a means to an end. It’s a tool to help you achieve or build something.

Each programming language fits a specific purpose, either for work or study. In other words, no one programming language is the best in the world. Some languages are simply more suitable for a specific purpose than others.

For example, if you want to become a front-end web developer, you need to learn at least three languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

And as a backend developer, you can choose from server-side languages like:

  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Java

Here are a couple of helpful articles you may want to read:

Related: What is the Difference between Front-end vs Back-end Development?

In short, be prepared to learn more than just one programming language. Moreover, no single language is superior to others per se. It is rather a matter of suitability and preference.

7: It will take years before I can make money with coding

Knowing how to code is like a superpower. But let’s face it: nobody gets superpowers overnight.

You can learn the basics of coding and any programming language in weeks, but it takes years to become an expert.

However, you can still get your first small coding jobs in a matter of weeks or months.

The time it takes for you to acquire sufficient skills in coding to start a career only depends on your motivation and persistence.

Before you start learning programming, have a clear idea about what you want to achieve or create with coding.

With a clear goal in mind, you can be ready for an entry-level developer job in just six months – assuming you stay focused and work hard.

True story:

I became interested in learning programming almost by accident at my last job. I started to learn coding by myself because I noticed how much fun it was.

Everyone kept saying that coding would be an amazing asset in the job market. But I never thought I’d do it for a living in the future.

Yet, after only 5 months of learning web development, I got my first small coding jobs. Ultimately, 11 months into learning coding, I started freelancing with my own little web design business. And yes, somewhere in between I also quit my job.

To help you get started, I have just the perfect post for you to read next: How to Become a Freelance Web Developer – The Ultimate Guide.

You can totally do this!

Coding myths and misconceptions for beginners

8: Learning to code is expensive

When you start learning coding, I know you don’t want to waste any money.

You can choose from hundreds of courses, books and other learning resources. And if you find the right online coding courses, you will see huge returns on a small initial investment.

When you use the best coding courses available, you’ll save both time and money. You can even start learning how to code for free online. Yep, you don’t need to spend a dime on learning coding if your budget is tight.

In fact, I recommend you start with free resources if you’re new to coding and web development. That way, you can see what you like and which area you’d like to focus on in the future.

To get a hang of the basics, head over to my Free Coding Guide for Beginners. You’ll learn what coding iswhat programming languages are all about, how the Internet works, and much more.

After that, you’re ready to take your first steps in an online coding course.

To help you choose the right course, I’ve put together an article with the best free online coding courses for beginners. I’ll see you there!

9: I will be lonely as a developer

Again, we’re back to stereotypes. Will you turn into a coding nerd and lock yourself into the basement and never see daylight again?


Here’s the deal: coding is teamwork.

A career as a developer is in fact a very social one. While working on projects either in your team or by yourself, you will need to exchange thoughts and ideas with others.

Especially if you end up working at a bigger company, you won’t lack social interaction if that’s important to you.

Surely you will spend a good amount of your time solving problems by yourself. All coding projects involve a great deal of intense logical thinking and brainstorming.

However, when the road gets rocky, you’ll find help and support in the community of your fellow developers.

10: I need a great idea to start learning programming

Learning how to code is a long process. You’ll go through ups, downs, and anything in between.

Having a great idea for a project is a good thing to have, of course. However, what’s more important is that you feel a genuine interest in what you are doing.

Instead of trying to build the next Facebook or YouTube, try to find a solution to a problem you’ve personally faced.

Are you working with Excel? Great! Perhaps you can automate a process that is wasting your time every day?

Or if you want to get into web development, why not start by building a website for yourself? Start with learning some HTML and CSS first. Then, add some JavaScript to the recipe.

Even better: You could turn your web projects into a portfolio website.

That’s what I did to get my first freelance coding jobs. I knew I wanted to have a professional portfolio website to showcase my projects to potential employers. So I created a simple WordPress website for them and got my first job in a couple of weeks afterwards.

All you need for a portfolio website is a domain name and a web hosting plan.

If you’re not familiar with setting up a WordPress website, the easiest way to get started is to sign up with Bluehost.

I use them myself and I’ve even negotiated an exclusive hosting deal for my readers. You can access a special hosting package on Bluehost starting at just $2.95 per month. (That’s less than a coffee at Starbucks!)

To help you through the signup process, head over to this step-by-step tutorial on how to start a WordPress website in just 10 minutes.

So, whatever your long-term plan is, just set yourself realistic targets and track your progress. Having great ideas is not necessary in the beginning. Trust me, you’ll get more ideas once you start learning the basics.

Final thoughts: Coding myths you should ignore

Ignoring these common coding myths can help you get started with coding today!

So, stop thinking about it start learning right away!

Because the truth is:

Coding is an insanely valuable skill to learn.

It can really turn your life around, for the better!

That’s what it did for me, at least. I was earning a full-time income with web development in less than a year after I started learning coding.

You can also learn coding and web development to boost your career in your current position. When you understand how the tech-filled world around us works, you can offer your employer much more value as an employee.

So, if you want to start a career and make money with programming, head over to my post on how to make money with coding! I’ll see you there!

Remember: There is no better time to start learning coding than right now!

To help you get started, here are a few helpful resources to start learning coding with:

You can totally do this!

If you enjoyed this post about coding myths, drop me a line in the comments below! What myths and misconceptions have you encountered along the journey?

P.S. If you found this post about coding myths helpful, I’d appreciate if you shared it with others, too! Thank you for your support!

See you soon, happy coding!
– Mikke

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About Mikke

Hi, I’m Mikke! I’m a blogger, freelance web developer, and online business nerd. Join me here on MikkeGoes.com to learn how to code for free, build a professional portfolio website, launch a tech side hustle, and make money coding. When I’m not blogging, you will find me sipping strong coffee and biking around town in Berlin. Learn how I taught myself tech skills and became a web dev entrepreneur here. And come say hi on Twitter!

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