120+ Best Places to Learn to Code For Free

If you are new to programming and tech, you probably want to learn to code for free in the beginning. After all, you want to make sure you enjoy learning tech skills before you invest any money in a paid, premium course or tutorial. Especially if you are not sure what...

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Thank you! I’m happy to hear you’re still interested in learning tech skills! I will keep you subscribed to my free resources, tips, and hacks for learning more about coding and tech. If there’s anything holding you back from learning tech skills,...

Thank You – Make $100 Freelancing E-book

Thank you for your purchase! Your copy of Make $100 Freelancing is on its way to your inbox right now! You should receive an email from “Mikke from MikkeGoes.com” that will contain a link to download your e-book. Can’t find the email? Please check...

Make $100 Freelancing E-book

Earn Your First $100 Freelancing Online Your hands-on solution for earning money from small freelance gigs when you are still learning to code. (Because if you can make $100, you can make $500, $1,000, and more.) Get Started Do these feelings sound familiar? Spending...


Do you want to learn to code? Yes? Then sign up for the Mikke Goes Coding newsletter today. When you join my community, you will receive exclusive insider tips on how to start learning tech skills the right way. You like free bonuses? Great! I’ll send you my...